Toseland has 'unfinished business' with Poppies as a new season dawns

Ben Toseland in action for Kettering Town in their friendly win at Corby Town last weekend. Picture courtesy of Poppies MediaBen Toseland in action for Kettering Town in their friendly win at Corby Town last weekend. Picture courtesy of Poppies Media
Ben Toseland in action for Kettering Town in their friendly win at Corby Town last weekend. Picture courtesy of Poppies Media
Ben Toseland feels he has “unfinished business” with Kettering Town after returning to the club this summer.

The versatile left-sided player made 67 appearances for the Poppies across two seasons between 2017 and 2019 before departing Latimer Park.

Still only 23, Toseland has continued to cut his teeth at Step 3 with the likes of Peterborough Sports and, more recently, St Ives Town.

But the former Northampton Town academy player is now back.

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As he admits himself, he has “bulked up” since the last time Kettering supporters saw him.

And he is determined to take the opportunity that has been presented to him by new Poppies manager Lee Glover.

“It’s good to be back,” Toseland said.

“I have been waiting for the chance to go back to be honest, it’s been a case of waiting for the right management team to go in.

“The gaffer (Glover) and Rory (assistant-manager Prendergast) have gone in and called me and it was a chance I couldn’t turn down to go back and play for the club I want to play for.

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“I felt like we had unfinished business and I felt like it was the right time.

“Circumstances weren’t right when I left before and I felt the best thing to do was to step away and learn the trade even more and give myself the best possible chance to move up again.

“I went away and played a lot of games. I have bulked up a bit and I just feel it’s the right time.

“I have played a lot of Step 3 games and I need to test myself now.

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“I feel I have had a good pre-season and I just want to carry that on into the real thing.”

Toseland is part of a new-look Poppies squad for the 2022/23 campaign.

Glover has faced almost a complete rebuild this summer following a number of departures after Kettering finished in an impressive eighth place last season.

They face the toughest of starts to the new campaign on Saturday when they head to title favourites AFC Fylde.

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But Toseland feels the squad has already “gelled well” and is ready for a tough examination on the opening day.

“It will be a hard game, we know that,” he said.

“I think it’s a good game to have first up. I think there will be a few nerves on both sides.

“There will be as much pressure on them as there is on us, if not more.

“If we go about things the right way, we feel we are capable of getting a result.

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“The manager has come in and he’s had to rebuild the whole team really, which I am guessing has been quite hard.

“But it feels like all the lads who have come in have gelled well, it’s a good group who are willing to work hard for each other on and off the pitch. Hopefully that sets us up for a good season.”

Toseland made the left-back position his own during his previous spell at Latimer Park.

However, since leaving he admitted he has played in numerous other roles and he performed well as the left-sided centre-back in a three as the Poppies rounded off their pre-season friendly programme with a 1-0 victory at Corby Town last weekend.

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And Toseland feels his versatility can only be a good thing.

He added: “I obviously played at left-back at Kettering before but since then I have played at left midfield, left centre-half in a three and left centre-half in a four and I feel I can play in any of those roles.

“I feel comfortable as a left centre-half in a three as I was last weekend but if I have a job to do anywhere else then I believe in myself that I can do it.

“I guess it’s good to be versatile. I think every manager likes someone who can do more than one role.

“I wouldn’t say I have got a favourite position, I am just happy to do whatever role I am needed to do.”